Monday, October 24, 2011


 Recently while preparing a message for my people on the subject of weariness, I read II  Thessalonians 3:11.  "For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies."  What an insult it would be to be identified as a busybody.  The very definition of the word makes me want to turn and run the other way!  It means, "To bustle about uselessly, to busy one's self about trifling, needless, useless matters.  It most often refers to one who is officiously inquisitive about other's affairs."

 It is no surprise that when Paul clarifies who the busybody is he states, "...working not at all..."  I've found that when I'm busy working, I have very little time to be busy in other men's matters.  Especially is that true when it comes to matters outside my own church.  I'm amazed how much time some folks seem to have to "bustle about uselessly in needless matters" that don't pertain to them.

 I hesitate to use this blog to correct erroneous gossip, but it is one of the very few venues that I have at my access.  This is not a defense of myself, it is simply an effort to clarify any confusion surrounding a situation that involves me and my ministry.

For the past several years,  Dr. Jack Schaap has preached for us here at Fellowship Baptist Church the first week of October.  He was scheduled to be with us again this year.  There was some confusion about the dates, and there were some complications in communicating between my office and the offices at First Baptist Church.  By the time everything had been confirmed and approved, the dates for the meeting were about a month away.  I spoke with Dr. Schaap during a visit to Hammond last month, and he and I agreed to postpone the conference.  Although he was more than willing to come, I didn't want to have the meeting without having properly promoted and advertised.

Today someone told me that the word "around the country" is that I had cancelled Bro. Schaap and that I was telling all of my college students who attend Hyles-Anderson College to come home.  Undoubtedly, that false rumor is being spread by "busybodies".  Suprisingly enough, no one called and asked me any questions about our conference or our college kids.  We have 18 students at HAC with two more returning to campus in January.  We also have students in five other Bible colleges and several state colleges.  I marvel at why,  "where Fellowship Baptist young people attend college"  would be the topic of anyone's discussion outside the walls of Fellowship Baptist Church!

It seems to me that the "word around the country" ought to be that Heaven is sweet, Hell is hot and Jesus is coming soon!  Rather than "bustling about uselessly in trifling  matters", our time could be better spent loving people, glorifying Christ and honoring God with our lives and in our ministries. In II Thessalonians 3:13 Paul admonished the believers who were exposed to those who were walking disorderly, "But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing."  Our task is monumental.  We cannot afford to become wearied.  Just keep doing well and keep on praying for those are distracted by matters of lesser importance.

1 comment:

  1. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus...and the things of earth will grow strangely dim"- The cure for busybodies
